Video Game Sales and Metacritic Scores

1. Introduction

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2. Data

[Paste Data paragraph here]

Table 1 Data Dictionary

Column Type Source Description
game_title Text both Title of game
platform Text both Abbreviation of the video game console used to play the game
publisher Text VGChartz The publisher of the video game
na_sales Numeric VGChartz The number of units sold in North America
total_sales Numeric VGChartz The total number of units sold worldwide
summary Text Metacritic A description of the video game
release_date Date both The month and year that the game was released
meta_score Numeric Metacritic The review score as decided on by game critics
user_score Numeric Metacritic The review score as decided on by the users of Metacritic

3. Analysis

[Paste Analysis paragraph here]

Boxplots comparing meta score and user score
Figure 1. Review Scores Boxplots
Histograms of review scores
Figure 2. Review Scores Histogram
Total sales vs number of games released
Figure 3. Total Sales and Number of Games Released
Metascore vs number of games released
Figure 4. Metascore and Number of Games Released
Number of games released and total sales by month
Figure 5. Games Released and Total Sales by Month
Total sales by release date
Figure 6. Total Sales by Release Date
Review scores by release date
Figure 7. Review Scores by Release Date

Table 2 Slice Max Summary

publisher total_sales na_sales user_score meta_score number of games
1 Nintendo 1915460000 859150000 7.8677 77.40 1410
2 Activision 727710000 428300000 6.8040 70.96 1567
3 Electronic Arts 659150000 329130000 6.9439 73.82 1591
4 Sony Computer Entertainment 557090000 239880000 7.5478 74.98 1365
5 Ubisoft 500080000 260830000 7.0068 70.73 1646

4. Conclusion

[Paste Conclusion paragraph here]

Table 3 Top Publishers Summary

Publisher NA Sales Total Sales Meta Score User Score
Nintendo 859150000 1915460000 77.40 7.87
Activision 428300000 727710000 70.96 6.80
Electronic Arts 329130000 659150000 73.82 6.94